Friday, December 30, 2011

Mind fuck

Lordy lord.. Does everything in life have a meaning? Do you think that every step you take has a purpose?(Gotcha thinking.)  Now if that is true does that mean that if you take a step in the wrong direction you can fuck fate up? Hmmmmmm interesting.. in life we make choices and those choices can determine our future.

Alanis Morissette "Isn't it ironic???????????"
 NO, I don't think bitch..... It has to be fate. Everything that happens IS for a reason and if I win the lottery and die the next day I bet the mother fucker that gets my money needed that shit a lot more then i did., or what if that money made me greedy and mean and I die single, childless, and lonely..

What if there were three doors to choose from. destiny behind door 1, door 2 and door 3 ,,, door 1 guarantees wealth, door 2 guarantees health and door 3 guarantees money... which door do you choose?

cry (just a little)

Music Motivates Me..New Jersey has been real good to us this winter if you ask me. Its about 47 degrees out but to me feels like 60, and when I feel the sun touch my face I pump the music up on the radio and jam the fuck out. I don't care who is looking at me when I'm driving down the street one arm out the window holding a blunt the other on the wheel, shaking my head like it's no ones business.  Jamming out in my car to Bingo Cry (just a little) my blood pumping super hard...  hearing music and feeling it running through my veins, here I am speeding down the highway and singing till my face turns blue.. I call them dirty filthy beats, and they consist of the best of the best, old school hip hop (Biggie (of course) Jay-Z, Naz, Killa Cam, Woo Tang,  Foxy (all day) Lil Kim (don't care what anybody says old school lil kim brings me so back it aint even funny) DMX (grrrrrrrrrr) Busta Bus and many more... as I got a little older I started to embrace house music (I'm talking 20, 21) Tunnel, Twilo, Limelight days.... the memories I have in the NYC clubs are like no other memories my brain holds. Its amazing how many drugs you can do when your young and not fuck your brain up enough to forget. Music is the heart and sole of my life and if I could rewind I would have pursued my dreams of being a dancer. NOW I'm to comfortable and to much of a habitual person to take myself to that level. Instead I do other things to occupy the yearning I have, like working out, zumba, and teaching my family and friends some salsa moves!!


[myoo-zik] Show IPA
noun art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
2.the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.
3.musical work or compositions for singing or playing.

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Bob Marley

Thursday, December 29, 2011

1st timer

Yes i said it... I'm a first timer.. Not sure what i am supposed to write about. there are so many things to be discussed, and the real question is are you ready???.. my inspiration for my Blog is the most creative person I know u r and will always be my favorite artist!

With all the hectic holiday madness gone, I can start to improve on myself.(and stop making irrational purchases and using Christmas as my excuse) There are many things I need to accomplish and goals I have set for myself for 2012 (shit 2012 can you fucking believe it?) I learned that small steps are just as, if not better then, large leaps. I also learned that we all do things for a reason right??,, so if you set a goal you need to accomplish also think about why you are trying to achieve that goal. If you have a reason to accomplish that goal it makes it that much easier to accomplish. 

I want to open an online clothing boutique (info coming soon) 
       to become financially stable 
       to be my own boss
       to be able to buy my own home
       to help woman have a great shopping experience and add my two sense in as needed! 
       to start a family 

These are some of the reasons I would like to start my own business.. these reasons will help me push towards my goal...

I'm leaving you.. I hope my lil somethin somethin was helpful, entertaining, inspirational, whatever just tell me you felt some sort of happy thoughts while reading.. Until next time and I hope its sooner then later. I find myself making excuses to stay away from the computer once I am home from my 9-5 

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words